
Systemic and Family Constellations

Since 2017, I have greatly benefitted in my life from participating in individual and group Constellations and have been bringing that systemic lens into my work.

Over the last year, I received formal training for Constellation facilitation and often integrate individual (one-on-one) Constellations into my individual sessions with clients. I also facilitate group Constellations within the context of some of my classes and group offerings.

What are Systemic and Family Constellations

Here is a fantastic, succinct explanation of constellations from Family & Ancestral Constellation therapist and teacher Nikki MacKay.

Family and ancestral constellation is a therapeutic approach that allows the invisible influences from the present and past to be made visible, acknowledged and made whole. Unresolved, unacknowledged and traumatic events from the past can be unconsciously carried down from generation to generation.

Family constellation allows an individual or collective to uncover the hidden historical narrative that they are unconsciously holding in order to bear witness and give place to the trauma before fully and freely move forward with their own life.

Constellation therapy is based on a principle that each and every soul has a place and belongs no matter who they are and what they have done. If someone is displaced or their pain is unseen then it has an impact, not only on that person, but also on the descendants that follow.